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Issues with Water - Potential School Closures

Monday 5th March 2018



Dear Parents / Carers,


Many thanks for your patience and understanding last week. We hope you all managed to stay safe and warm.


I am sure those of you that live locally are aware that Southern Water are now experiencing an ‘unprecedented number of water supply issues’. This is due to ‘the thaw following last weeks’ cold weather’.


We have been monitoring our water supply throughout the day and unfortunately we are now starting to experience some difficulties with our water supply. At this point, we still have working toilets and taps to wash our hands. I would hope that Southern Water will be able to fix these issues and everything should be back in working order by tomorrow.


But – just in case….please do make sure that you send your children to school with drinking water tomorrow. If we do need to close the school, and we really hope we don’t, the same procedure as last week will apply. We will text everyone, add the closure to the school website

and amend the Kent Closures website accordingly


A huge thank-you for your understanding and continued support.


Kind regards,



Mrs Sweet


