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Challock Governors

‘Senior leaders, including governors, have successfully built upon the outcomes of the previous inspection,  particularly in raising the quality of teaching and the curriculum.’  

Ofsted, September 2011 

Welcome to our Governors’ section. 


The role of the governing body is a strategic one, its key functions are to:

  • set the aims and objectives for the school
  • set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
  • set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
  • be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher

Chair of Governors Annual Statement 2024

    Our Governors


    Our current Governing body is made up as follows:




    AppointedTerm endsOther information
    Dr Alan NorleyAuthority01/05/201930/04/2023Chair
    Mrs Sue SweetHeadteacherN/AN/A 
    Mr David LemonCo-opted01/04/201931/03/2023Deputy Headteacher
    Mrs Pauline AitkenCo-opted04/01/202104/01/2025 
    Mr Mark EllisCo-opted16/09/201615/09/2024Vice-chair
    Mrs Sam SimpsonFoundation23/11/202222/11/2026Safeguarding
    Mrs Paula ThorneParent09/11/202008/11/2024 
    Mrs Carrie PageCo-opted24/06/202023/06/2024 
    Mr John CounsellFoundation24/07/202023/07/2024 
    Mrs Alison PantaneyStaff29/03/2128/03/25 
    Mrs Sharon StevensParent03/05/202302/05/2027 


    All of our governors attend Full Governing Board (FGB) meetings which take place five times a year.

    In addition to this, governors have a link to individual classes and sit on one or more of the following sub committees:


    • Education
    • Finance, Buildings and Grounds
    • Pastoral

    Our Committees


    Membership of these committees is currently as follows:



    Finance, Buildings

    and Grounds

    Mrs Sue Sweet
    Mr David Lemon  
    Dr Alan Norley 
    Mrs Pauline Aitken 
    Mr Mark Ellis Chair 
    Mrs Alison Pantaney 
    Mrs Sam Simpson  Chair
    Mrs Paula ThorneChair  
    Mr John Counsell  
    Mrs Sharon Stevens  
    Mrs Carrie Page  


    Our Classes


    Our linked classes are as follows:


    YearClassTeacherLink Governor
    ReceptionWindsorMiss SercombeMr John Counsell 
    Year OnePotterMrs HigginsonMrs Pauline Aitken
    Year TwoNightingaleMrs PantaneyMr Mark Ellis
    Year ThreeAttenboroughMr FennellMrs Sharon Stevens
    Year FourHolmesMr RobertsMrs Paula Thorne
    Year FiveBrunel

    Miss Hirst

    Mrs Sam Simpson
    Year SixDarwinMr LemonMrs Carrie Page


    Our Roles

    Some of our Governors have specific responsibilities for statutory duties; the current responsibilities are:


    RoleGovernor (Clerk)
    ChairDr Alan Norley
    Vice-chair Mr Mark Ellis
    ClerkMrs Jacqui Wapshott
    FinanceMr Mark Ellis
    SENDDr Alan Norley
    Health and SafetyMr Mark Ellis
    Safeguarding (inc. Child Protection)Mrs Sam Simpson
    Mental Health and WellbeingMrs Sam Simpson
    Equality, Diversity and InclusionMrs Paula Thorne
    Training and DevelopmentMrs Carrie Page


    If you are interested in becoming a school governor, please speak to one of the existing governors or get in contact with the school.

    Governor Register of Interests, Responsibilities, Terms and Attendance
