Our Eco School
Challock pupils are involved in Eco Sessions on a termly, rotation basis. All pupils will have had the opportunity to get involved in our Eco lessons and projects by the end of the academic year.
Sessions are run by Mrs S. Simspon our Eco and Wellbeing Governor who has a real passion for safeguarding our environment and dedicates her time for free.
Projects the pupils have took part in so far include:
Pond Renovation
Bird Feeder Making
Recycling Warriors
Animal Identification
Fruit Growing
Climate Coalition - 'Show The Love Campaign'
The Cop26 conference firmly put the environment at the front of everyone's minds. In order to keep climate change and the need for action on the political agenda, Challock are took part in the February campaign to show the love and send Green Hearts to local MP's.
Here is our Green Heart which involved all of our pupils today...Damian Green this is on the way to you!
We Did It - We are now proud holders of a Green Flag Award

At Challock school we are immensely proud of our on going journey towards becoming a more eco-friendly school.
Our journey began in September 2020 when we began working with Eco Schools to achieve our Green Flag Award. The Green Flag is an internationally recognised award for excellence in environmental action and learning.
We worked to achieve the accreditation of Bronze and Silver Awards and then we reached our goal of gaining the Green Flag Award in April 2021.
In school we have formed an eco-committee which consists of 4 pupils from Attenborough Class, and 4 from Holmes class. We meet at least once a term and discuss environmental issues within the school. The Eco Committee works in partnership with our Environment Ministers in the Pupil Parliament.
The Eco Committee or ‘Challock Eco Squad’ as they are known, have worked hard to complete an environmental review which focusses on all the things that the school are already doing to be as eco-friendly as possible. It also highlights the areas that we need to work on in order to be more environmentally conscious. Having completed the review we have highlighted three topics that we are going to focus.
Our 3 Green Flag Actions
Here are some of the other exciting Eco activities that our children have been enjoying:
In July we created Scarecrows for the Boughton Lees Scarecrow Trail. The children worked on designs for these scarecrows with the aim being to create them from as many recycled materials as possible. We were thrilled to win 1st and 2nd Prize for our ‘Superhero Teacher’ Scarecrow!

Litter Pickers!
Our Year 6 children spent a successful afternoon out in the village litter picking as part of the Eco Schools Great British September Clean.

Eco Art!
The children had an opportunity to create a piece of art work for the Creative Folkestone’s ‘The Plinth’ Project. This project was designed to encourage people to display their lockdown creativity, celebrating community and our local town of Folkestone. The year 6 children created their own art installation reflecting hope as we move forward out of the pandemic. They were able to use recycled facemasks to represent the doves.

Eco at Home!
Despite the lockdown we have continued to make Eco awareness an important part of our weekly learning. Each week children have been set a variety of different Eco challenges. Here are the links to all of the challenges: