School Clubs
Teaching and beyond...
A school should do more than just teach. This is why we have a range of extracurricular activities, ensuring that our pupils are best prepared to face their future outside the school gates.
We are pleased to have strong links with outside groups who support our clubs program including football coaches, rugby coaches and 'star bakers'!
School Clubs - Term 3 - 2023
All Clubs finish at 4:15pm
Tag Rugby * yrs 3, 4, 5, 6
Whole School Choir yrs 1 - 6
Creepy Claws* yrs 1, 2
KS1 Maths Booster yr 2 - invite only
Pottery* yrs 3,4,5,6
Sports Giants* yrs 1 - 6
Multi Sports yrs 3 - 6
Construction yrs 1 & 2
KS2 Maths Booster yr 6 - invite only
Baking Club* yrs 3, 4, 5, 6
Football yrs 5, 6 (4 if spaces)
* run by an outside agency - costs incurred