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School Uniform


  • We encourage all children to wear school uniform.  Sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts, P.E. bags, P.E hoodies, P.E T Shirts and book bags with the school logo can be purchased directly from the school.  We ask that children have at least one logo polo shirt and one logo cardigan / jumper, others can be generic items as long as they are in the school colours.  All children must have a school bookbag and a P.E bag.


  •  Jewellery and make up must not be worn in school - We discourage the fashion of ear piercing.  Dealing with pierced ears takes children away from valuable lesson time.  The wearing of earrings during PE also poses a health & safety risk.  If children have to wear earrings they may wear small studs but these must be removed for swimming and physical education, so we ask that children do not wear earrings on these days.


  •  All uniform should be ordered and paid for in our online shop – ‘School Money’ - We have most items in stock so will send them home as soon as we can after orders are placed.


  •  All clothing worn in school must be clearly marked with the child’s name

           Staff spend an enormous amount of time looking for and trying to re home lost uniform – please label everything, even initials                       written quickly in permanent marker is fine.  Remember to label drinks bottles too!


Item of Clothing






Polo Shirt      (Collared Shirt/Blouse Yr 6)


Sweatshirt / Cardigan

Challock Red

Fleece Jacket

Challock Red (optional)

Reversible Waterproof Jacket

Challock Red (optional)





Trousers, Shorts or Skirt






Pinafore Dress


Summer Dress

Red and White Stripe or check





Shoes - Flat-heeled (no taller than 2cm)



White or Grey (not over the knee socks)



Physical Education Kit


T Shirt (1st one is free of charge)

House Colour

Shorts (not cycling shorts)


Plimsoles or Trainers

Black or White

PE Bag

House Colour

PE Hoodie (optional)

House Colour

Jogging bottoms (in winter)

Dark colour



Second Hand Uniform


We are in the process of improving availability of second hand uniform for parents.  We are aiming to repurpose one of the playground sheds into a uniform 'shop' which will be located at the main entrance. This will mean parents can access the 'shop' when they need to rather than waiting for the end of term sale.


We will ask for a donation of £1 per item which can be handed to the school office.


We are not accepting anymore donated items at the moment as we are struggling to store it all, but thank you to everyone who has brought in old uniform to 'up cycle'.  
